It is our job as teachers to make the world come alive.
Within, you will find a forum for sharing ideas on how to make that a reality.


Testing... 1, 2, 3: Welcome!

Welcome to "Yes, Students, Understanding the World Is Cool!"

You may be thinking, "Wow, Zachary, that is a long title." And you would be correct. Next question?

Okay, okay, your answer: The title is inspired by how difficult it can be to excite students to the idea that understanding the world in which they live is, in fact, cool. There are many amazing things out there to learn and I find it so hard to believe how disinterested many of our students are about learning. However, it's not their fault! It's the fault of parents and teachers who have made learning uninteresting, shameful (grading!), and bland. I am looking forward to using this forum as a way to share great teaching ideas for the social studies classroom.


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