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Career Day

Hey crew, I'm down here in Bend thinking about you all beasting it at the job/career prep day. What's the consensus, was it good? Should I have driven my butt ten hours to be there?

Btw Who was the guinea pig for the mock interview?

1 comment:

  1. It was okay. I learned plenty about the interview process and the important ideas and concepts that may be addressed during an interview. Was the drive worth it? Well it depends on whether or not you wanted to drive through what seemed like a river of mud and flying gravel/:) It's a great feeling when you come home and ask your kids, who want to go to the car wash? They all jump up down, Me Me!! And, they are totally excited and impressed with the mud on the car.

    In our Walla Walla mock interview, they were impressed with our confidence and answers to questions compared to previous groups. The guinea pig was Lynique.
